“Why do people act as they do?” Dr. Greg Wiens has invested most of his life in attaining four degrees and in six different professions trying to answer that question. His approach is an attempt to understand people from seven divergent disciplines: psychological, theological, cultural, economic, social, behavioral, and physiological. After over four decades of research, Greg has come to realize that humans are more beautiful and sophisticated than any single field can adequately appreciate or explain. Likewise, any attempt to accurately assess someone must approach the individual from several different perspectives.
Assessments have the capacity to set us free to be who we were created to be – if they are used correctly
Whether you use our assessment instruments (TrueWiring®), some other group of instruments, or a combination of the two, our main objective is to encourage you to appreciate the complexity of human beings and avoid relying on any single instrument or set of scales.
In our contemporary culture of narrowly specialized fields of study, each of the seven disciplines mentioned above too quickly discounts the significant contribution of the other six in describing why we do what we do.
We are convinced that everyone has a sweet spot, what we call an A-game, a place where they can excel in being who they were created to be. Everything in their lives can be used to hone their uniqueness: the good, the bad, and the ugly. The goal of the assessment process is to identify personality traits, behaviors, and tendencies that uniquely describe an individual’s contribution to this world. Effective assessments also help the individual come to grips with the implications of their unique wiring, both their hardware and their software. Hardware attributes are those traits that are more permanently wired into your persona. Software attributes are those which have been scripted through your culture or family of origin. Understanding the difference between hardware and software attributes is the beginning of the assessment process. This is what we call the art of assessing people.
Healthy Growing Leaders is an organization dedicated to improving the health of leaders through effective assessment processes.
Healthy Growing Leaders Assessments
As creative assessment architects, we design, develop, and debrief assessments for individuals and organizations. Assessment instruments can be purchased individually or as a package. On our website, we provide some free assessments and also a number of videos detailing the importance of the assessment process and how to better understand each of the instruments which we offer.
We approach assessments from both the hardware and the software perspective. In other words, we find that individuals have hard wiring that causes them to lean into behavioral patterns that seldom change through life, these we identify as hardware. However, all individuals also are significantly influenced by their software. These are the influences of their culture of origin, their social networks, significant emotional experiences, and so forth. Our assessments are intended to understand the influence each of these types of factors has on a person’s behavior.
Our goal for each of the levels of assessment packages is to identify the unique intersection of hardware and software which produce a preferred environment or A-game of an individual. We do not seek to find out only whether a person fits into a specific slot, but our passion is to find the unique roles where this person would thrive and then compare all the unique reasons why or why not they would fit into a specific role. This is the unique strength we bring as creative assessment architects.
Beyond offering individual instruments, we have developed three packages: Level One, Level Two, and Level Three. TrueWiring® (www.TrueWiring.com) and (www.HealthyGrowingLeaders.com) are packages of four/five instruments developed for businesses, churches, and nonprofits to engage leaders toward health and impact.
Level One
The Level One assessment debrief is intentionally designed to identify an individual’s unique natural and gifted wiring that will impact their serving. The instruments also identify issues that may impede their serving. The one-hour video-driven debrief gives the high points of the instruments as they relate to each other. The TrueWiring© (www.TrueWiring.com) instruments with reports can be purchased separately without the debrief online.
Level Two
The Level Two assessment is a two-hour online video-based assessment of conflict resolution skills, behavioral needs, emotional intelligence inventories, values, motivators, team/task assessment, and the leadership style potential of the person being assessed. The target role toward which the person is intended to be assessed should first be identified. This target is the role or position for which the individual is being assessed in terms of skill sets, knowledge base, and/or behaviors. All of the candidate’s instruments are interpreted in light of this target. The process compares these factors identified as the target to those scales identified through the various instruments. The Level Two is, therefore, an inexpensive assessment to compare the potential match of a target role to the attributes of a candidate. The Level Two assessment usually produces a coaching report of approximately 15-20 pages.
It is critical to understand in this process that each of the instruments are mapped onto the other instruments, so the various scales of one instrument directly impact the interpretation of the scales from the other seven instruments. This is an inexpensive process to give a quick look with a high degree of predictive probability.
Level Three
The Level Three assessment is intended to give greater insight and accuracy into the competencies, as well as the life and history of the leader, which is often referred to as the “software” of a candidate. This eight-hour, face-to-face assessment usually involves the couple and includes a much more in-depth and interactive approach with the instruments than in the Level Two. The instruments are also given to the spouse of the candidate for further insight into the context. Other tools (i.e., 360 assessments & Couples Reports) are added to confirm or challenge the self-report nature of some of the previously named instruments. Heuristic and life-planning tools are used to assess past behavior and relational health under stress (i.e., Behavioral Assessment & Family History Analysis).
The Level Three allows for exploring much more of the software aspects of an individual or couple. This level of assessment is recommended for executive positions and/or positions where significant financial or emotional investment is being made. The Level Three assessment process allows for much greater insight into the candidate’s A-game and, therefore, a more detailed coaching report which usually is between 25-30 pages.
Tools and Assessment Instruments For Each Package
Level One
- Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQW)
- Conflict Profile (CPW)
- Motivators Inventory (MW)
- Video Recording
Level Two
- Two-hour Debrief
- Six Instruments Including:
- Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQW)
- Conflict Profile (CPW)
- Motivators Inventory (MW)
- 16 Primary Factors (16PF)
- Career Development Report (CDR)
- Written debrief summary with Coaching Points
Level Three
- Eight-hour debrief
- More in-depth debrief of the 6 assessments for both the candidate and spouse
- 360W Assessments
- Behavioral Assessment
- Family History analysis
- Psychographic Analysis
- Written debrief summary with Coaching points.
These three packages were developed to meet specific results as identified above. The privilege of being creative assessment architects is that we design, develop and debrief assessments depending on the context or need. For that reason, we seek to understand the unique desired outcomes and can design a process with different instruments or even develop unique instruments. We love what we do and enjoy approaching the whole venue of assessments from a creative and yet practical perspective. This is how we, as creative assessment architects, see and practice assessments differently.
For pricing and more information, please complete the form below.